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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Swimming On the Fourth Of July

Yesterday we decided to go swimming in Uncle Brad's pool. Uncle Brad is in Florida, but we're checking in on his dogs while he's we are taking advantage of the pool. Ian was ready to get in as soon as we walked outside. He LOVES the water. He didn't like his float much. He preferred being in Daddy's arms. He even went under water several times. Each time he'd come up smiling. Then a few seconds later he'd say..."ready....set....go". He had so much fun. He was a little prune by the time he got out. He did venture out a couple of times to check out a flower in Brad's back yard and to try to figure out the doggie door. He kept trying to see if he could go through the doggie door. Fortunately, he hasn't figured it out yet. But, it won't take him long. It's a large doggie door, so he can fit. We had hoped to go see fireworks last night, but after an afternoon of swimming Ian was ready for bed. He crashed about 8:30 even though we tried to keep him up. So....we'll see fireworks another time.


Daniel and Jamie said...

Ian is just so cute! That will be so funny when he does figure the doggy door out. We missed fireworks too. Hopefully we can catch some this weekend.

Anonymous said...

He is just SO cute!!!!!!!!!I never get tired of looking at this picture.It is so cool that he loves the water.I bet he will do great at swimming lessons.Kaitrin has always loved the water too.During Summer school they went to the pool every Friday and she learned to swim under water.We just finished swimming lessons a few weeks ago and she loved it and was jumping off the high dive by the end of the 2 week session.