Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, September 07, 2006

One Year Ago...We Saw An Angel

September 7, 2005 at 1:54pm, I had a voice mail from Tami at Dillon. She had a referral of a little boy and wanted to know if we wanted to take a look. About an hour later, we received all of his medical information and then we looked at the face of an angel....OUR ANGEL. Even though we were trying to be logical and make sure that this was the child that God had intended for our family, in our hearts we already knew that Kushal was OUR son. We prayed and asked God for a clear sign...and He gave it to us several times. We accepted the referral and 5 months later we traveled half way around the world and held our precious angel for the first time. God knew that Ian was our son long before we ever even thought about it.

Ian...we love you so much. You are THE most amazing child ever and we are so very blessed to have you. You have made our world so much brighter and clearer in the past year. We see things now through your eyes and we marvel at the newness of everything. You are a true gift from God. Our hope and prayer for you is that we would be the kind of parents that will love you, help you and guide you to become the outstanding man that we know you can be. We are so proud of your accomplishments so far and look forward to many more. We love you son....


Unknown said...

HAPPY IAN DAY!! :) Wow - one year! That is so amazing! Congratulations on your beautiful family!

Grace said...

Isn't it marvelous to be able to look back and see the hand of God at work in your life? You have truly experienced a miracle. Praise God!!!
